Dzień Dobry

Dzień dobry-hello in what will be my new main language for the years to come. Follow me as my life changes again. Well, not really as I'm still working myself toward the same goal of getting a medical degree. However, little would I have guessed that I would spend the last few years fulfilling this goal in Poland. So, here I am, with a Polish vocabulary that doesn't help me when ordering food. Although, I can say Dziękuję (thank you). That, my friend, is gold worth!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dobra Makes Doctors.

By now I think it has become obvious that I spend the major part of my life here studying. The weekends are no exceptions. Saturdays and Sundays can be tough because of the many hours spent at home studying. What I've found to be the best solution to this is the Univeristy of Warsaw's library, where I go every weekend.

This library is by far one of the better ones I've been to. Not necessarily because of the books as I can't read Polish yet, but because of the ambience, and also because of the convenience of the variety of services available within the building. Having been built about ten years ago, it's an extremely modern structure, as far as you can get from the many communist buildings in this city. It's equipped with all modern conveniences and there are multiple silent study rooms, with my favourite being a large one with a glass wall and a glass roof, allowing a lot of natural light. Within the building, there's also multiple cafes, lunch places, a sport court, newspaper stands, old/used book sale, a garden on the roof, and as most of the buildings here in Poland it also has a coat check at the entrance. This latter is a convenience that I've come to like although I have to say I don't use it all the time. Hanging your coat once you enter a building brings on a welcoming feeling. In addition to all this, there are columns and walls with inscriptions of famous qoutes and texts in different languages, enhancing the academic feeling.

Although this library does not belong to the Medical University of Warsaw, many medical students use it for studying and every time I go there I see many familiar faces. In fact, because of the many hours we spend there as medical students, we've come up with an expression: "Dobra makes doctors" (Dobra is the street where the library is located). Although I've just started and have a few years left, I know that when I'm done I will be forever greatful to the University of Warsaw and it's library for all it offers and I WILL miss this place...



Blogger Z a h r a said...

Hej Anna!
Jag vet inte om du har spanat in nyheten på fejjan men jag flyttar till Bryssel nästa termin! Har fått världens bästa traineeship där nere och är jätteglad. :) Jag vill gärna ta tåget till Warszawa därifrån om du är pepp på ett besök i vårsolen? Puss kram!

1:51 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I like studying at library, too. Not like Mountain View library though, haha. My school, Cal Poly, has a really nice comfortable library which has 24 hour open room too.
I spend lots lots of time there studying, good memory!

I hope I can find similar place at new place where my med school is.

5:26 PM  

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